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One research fellowship application will be opened in late December at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology (IBPM-CNR) to work on a PRIN project entitled “Cell imaging-based approaches to identify non-invasive biomarkers in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP)”, under the supervision of Dr. Cinzia Rinaldo.
Borsa di studio presso Ufficio Trasferimento Tecnologico, in staff alla Direzione Scientifica, del Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano. Laureati magistrali in Biologia, Biotecnologie, Farmacia, Ingegneria biomedica, Scienza e Ingegneria dei materiali, Scienze chimiche, Scienze e Tecnologie della chimica industriale per progetto PNRR "PerfeTTO". Scadenza candidature 31 Dicembre 2023. Maggiori informazioni su sito dell'IRCCS:
Two research fellowships application will be opened in early December at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology (IBPM-CNR) to work on a PNRR project entitled “Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) across lifespan: an interdisciplinary model of care from epigenetic to innovative therapeutic approaches”, under the supervision of Dr Cinzia Rinaldo. The research project will be focused on cellular model systems that recapitulate human NF progression to investigate the influence of the microenvironment and the impact of antioxidant compounds -1. position for 12 months (1 year of post-graduate research activity is required). -2. Postdoctoral position of 15 months (students whose final PhD thesis exam is set for the first months of 2024 may apply)